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常见问题 - 金融服务


Check request
检查是否找到请求表单 here. 完整填写表格,并附上所有证明文件 cost code and signatures and send to Marisa Mathie, SCR AP. 请注意那个缺失 information will delay the payment or reimbursement.

Please note that creating a requisition does NOT pay the invoice. You still must send me the invoice so it can be entered in for payment.

请注意,支票申请表不应用于任何与旅行相关的费用. 可以找到旅费报销表 here. 请提供以下资料:

你将按日付餐费. 目前的每日费率如下:

Per Diem Rates
Meal In-state Out-of-state
Breakfast $11 $13
Lunch $14 $14
Dinner $20 $23

*请注意,如果提供餐食作为培训或会议的一部分,你 除非有情有可原的情况,否则不得要求报销该餐费. (饮食限制可能符合条件. 而喜欢在外面吃饭则不然.)

PG电子官方免费下载的报销费用为0美元.50/mile if you take your own car when a state car was available. If a state car was not available, you will be reimbursed at $0.56/mile.

  • Date
  • Banner ID
  • Cost Code
  • Amount – the total reimbursement you are seeking.
  • 付款人(包括他们的姓名和完整地址)
  • Explanation
  • Two Signatures
  • 可选复选框:
  • 包括付款文件:如果您希望我们发送一个 copy of any/all the paperwork that you have included with your check request.
  • 特别处理说明:如果您想把支票寄回给您,那么您 can hand deliver or whatever the case may be, write it in this line.
  • What to include: We cannot just pay/reimburse off of a check request. 必须有证明文件, whether it be an invoice, a receipt, an email, etc. 如果你要求报销 对于会议或活动的款待/食物,您必须包含事件通知 and an explanation as to why you did not use your Snow College Pcard. A flyer of the 会议或活动是最好的,但我们可以使用您使用的任何方法来通知人们 关于你的会议/活动. Please also include a list of names of everyone that 参加会议/活动.
  • Banner ID
  • Name
  • Cost Code
  • Destination City
  • 目的(请具体说明). Do not put “Training,” please put what the actual name of the training/meeting/conference was called.)
  • 你离开和回来的日期
  • 两个签名,旅行前授权和旅行后授权 for payment.
  • 您的旅行日期
  • 行驶里程
    We will double check all mileage through MapQuest. 我们允许50英里的范围 MQ says for travel to/from hotel, conference, meals, etc. 当你多停留 one day. If it is a one-day trip, the miles need to be closer in range than that. 如果超出了限额,请说明原因,否则我们将不得不询问 you, which again, delays getting your money in a timely manner. Snow College pays .50 per mile if you take your own vehicle and a State car was available. You will get .56 per mile if you take your own vehicle when a State car was NOT available.
  • 指出日期和所吃的饭. It is easiest to figure out when you write the date 在你要的餐盒里.
  • 包括什么:请人吃饭的时候;
    • 你必须附上进一步的文件. You cannot just send in the travel reimbursement form. A detailed schedule or agenda of the conference/training you attended is best. 如果你没有,请附上你为什么没有的解释. 如果您不发送此所需的信息,我们将不得不要求它,这将导致 你拿不到钱.
    • 我们不需要你的就餐收据的复印件 reimbursed for.
    • 请注意:我们无法报销您在培训/会议期间提供的餐费. 如果我们提供了一顿饭,而你要求报销那顿饭,我们 will ask you why you did not eat the meal provided. 如果你有一个重要的原因 至于你为什么不能吃提供的饭菜(如饮食原因),我们可能 give you it. However, if you do not eat the meal because you chose not to or wanted 那天晚上和家人/朋友出去吃饭,你不会报销的,因为 the meal was already paid for in your conference registration.
    • Please note: No meals can be reimbursed for same day travel. 一定要过夜 有资格报销餐费的旅行.
      PG电子官方免费下载每天的州内餐费是早餐11美元,午餐14美元,20美元 for dinner. Per diem for out-of-state meals is $13 for breakfast, $14 for lunch, $23 for dinner. If you go over those costs, that's your responsibility. If you are under, 太好了,你还是会得到每天的津贴.
  • Date
  • Description
  • Amount
  • 附上原始的,详细的收据
    请注意:杂项报销与具体的旅行有关 在旅费报销表上填写.
  • Dates
  • Amount
  • 附上原始的,详细的收据
  • Dates
  • Hotel Name
  • Amount
  • 附上原始的,详细的收据
  • 如果您因为与家人/朋友住在一起而没有收据,请注明 这样我们就不用问了,这反过来又会导致收到你的 money. For more information on Snow College travel policy, please see
PG电子官方免费下载的政策规定,任何支票申请和/或旅行报销必须 30天内提交. Requests that come in later than 30 days will need vice 总统批准.

如果你雇佣一个独立的承包商,他们必须填写并签署独立的合同 contractor form. 你可以在这里找到一份副本: IndependentContractorPDF or here: IndependentContractorEditablePDF. 如果你不确定某人是否有资格作为独立承包商,请询问. 一般来说,任何来为你提供服务的人——私人课程、辅导、 演讲等.-是独立承包商.

作为独立承包商雇佣的PG电子官方免费下载员工必须通过工资单支付工资 与HR合作的行动表(PAF).

Please allow seven business days for processing. 支票通常是切割和邮寄的 星期二和星期四. To expedite your receipt of funds, you are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit with accounts payable. (这和工资单是分开的. 即使你已经通过工资单注册了直接存款,你仍然需要这样做 通过应付账款再次注册.)

Pcard are the preferred method of external payment at Snow College. If you submit 有应该用pcard支付的,请说明原因 未使用pcard. Please note that not wanting to use the pcard is not considered a valid excuse.

Yes! 每个支票请求必须有两个签名. 一个来自请求者 付款,以及预算持有人(或主管,如果您是预算持有人)的付款.) 这两个签名不可能是同一个人.

Cashier FAQ

A financial hold indicates that you have a past due balance at Snow College. To view 在你的账户上:

  • 登录BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • View Holds

要从您的帐户中删除财务持有,请支付到期余额和持有 通常会在24小时内取出.

The Cashier's office is available to provide further explanation if needed.

在全额支付学杂费和帐户有超额付款后,将给予退款. 退款可以来自更改课程安排和减少所欠的学费 因此,或财政援助(助学金、贷款或奖学金)已被申请 转到你的账户,导致退款. 看看你是否会得到退款,回顾一下 您的账户余额:

  • 登录BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • Payment Portal

The most efficient way to receive a student refund is through Direct Deposit. To set 直接存款, fill out this form 然后交给出纳办公室. 如果您没有设置直接存款, 支票将邮寄到支票邮寄地址或永久地址 on file. To update addresses please visit the Registration Office.

PG电子官方免费下载奖学金将在10天前进入学生账户 每学期的开始. If you do not see your scholarship after that time, you can contact the scholarship office at 435-283-7150. 确保你已经完成了 所有的要求,包括写 Thank You 私人奖学金申请信(A Thank you letter is not required for academic, departmental, or outside scholarships).

外部奖学金,或者来自PG电子官方免费下载以外的奖学金,通常是 disbursed as a check mailed to the Snow College Cashier's office. 确保机构 has your student ID number and the Snow College mailing address.

图书费用随您的日程安排而变化,请访问 online bookstore to view a personalized page of your courses and corresponding course materials.

Students can add an Authorized Party to their student account. 被授权方 could be a parent or guardian that intends to make payments on your behalf. To add 您账户的授权方:

  • 登录BadgerWeb   
  • Student tab   
  • Student Records   
  • Payment Portal   
  • 添加授权方

PG电子官方免费下载遵循《PG电子官方免费下载》的联邦指导方针 Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). FERPA是一部联邦法律 学生教育记录的隐私性. 一旦学生年满18岁, 或者进入PG电子官方免费下载这样的高等教育机构,他或她就会成为一名学生 “合格的学生”,以及以前根据FERPA转让给予父母的所有权利 to the student. If parent(s), guardian(s) or a high school counselor of a Snow College 参加PG电子官方免费下载课程的学生希望讨论学生的表现 或由教授、家长、监护人或辅导员出具的学习成绩证明 学生许可. 此许可必须以书面形式获得. The 发布信息同意书 表格可以由学生填写并签名,然后送到雪学院注册处 Office.

PG电子官方免费下载不收取滞纳金. 然而,所有的学杂费将需要 全额支付,或者在学期的第5天之前制定付款计划,以避免 取消你的课程.

Controller FAQ

An encumbrance is a pending purchase order that isn't finalized. Keep in 记住,债务负担可以跨越财政年度. 如果你对债务负担有疑问 hitting your budget contact Mike Jorgensen x-7262
No, if you find reveue in your office budget please contact the Controller's 或者预算办公室来解决这个问题. 收入应该存放在基金中 不与普通基金挂钩(例如. Auxiliary Funds).
In Banner go to FGIBDST, click on the YTD activity cell of the account you're 然后按下键盘上的F3键. 如果你对这些具体问题有疑问 交易与财务总监办公室联系.
Typically, these are cash transfers to cover expenses. Most likely these orginate from Fund transfers you enter online or send to ude.wons@oc. However, if you have questions contact a Controller Office Team Member.
The budget office does send out monthly cash reports, you can find it there. 然而,如果你想知道你的现金余额是什么在实时去fitbal in Banner并输入您的基金编号. 记住与普通基金相关的预算 没有实际现金.

Procurement FAQ

  • 采购订单是在部门提交申请后由采购部门创建的 申请已经批准了.
  • 这份文件是学院的正式命令,将通过传真、电子邮件、 or otherwise sent to a vendor requesting goods or services.
  • 采购订单编号以“P”开头.’
  • Purchase Order
  • 购买卡(Visa)
  • 供应商应在接受订单前收到上述付款方式之一. 通过接受上述其中一种付款方式,卖方将确保及时付款 upon receipt of the goods/service ordered and an invoice.
  • Invoices should be sent to the Accounts Payable department: Snow College; Accounts Payable –800 W 200 S; Richfield, UT 84701.
  • 发票也可通过电子邮件发送至: ude.wons@eihtam.asiram
  • 请致电435与应付账款部联系.283.2210 or ude.wons@eihtam.asiram.

Payroll FAQ

申请单是由采购部门创建的内部请求 a Purchase Order. A Requisition is not a Purchase Order and should not be treated as such.

为了遵守PG电子官方免费下载的政策,必须批准一份申请 在向供应商订购任何材料或服务之前完成采购订单 除了使用购物卡或支票请求下的订单.


Attatch slides.

Please contact the Controller’s office to receive access.