


鼓励学生提交所有经地区认证的转学课程 institutions at least three weeks prior to the start of the semester to allow time 进行评估. Transfer 信贷 may affect a student's pre-requisites and remaining 课程要求. This may require alteration of a student's course schedule once transfer courses have been evaluated. It's the student's responsibility to monitor how transfer 信贷 is applied.


  1. PG电子官方免费下载接受学院和大学的转学学分 ac信贷ed by any of the six regional ac信贷ation bodies:
    • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
    • New England Association of Colleges and Schools
    • Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association
    • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
    • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
    • Western Association of Colleges and Schools

  2. Grades in individual classes 必须 be D- or higher to be eligible for GE 除了 in the following GE areas which require a minimum grade of C-:
    • 美国机构(AI) 
    • 英语(E1 & E2)
    • 计量素养(文学硕士)

  3. 课程 必须 be college level (rather than remedial or developmental.)在犹他大学, this usually means courses numbered 1000 or higher.
  4. 经委员会认可的技术学院成绩单 ,将按个别情况进行检讨.
  5. Due to the age of coursework, some 信贷 may only transfer as elective 信贷. 课程 授予的学分取决于适用性和/或学术部门的裁量权.
  6. T在这里 is no limit to the number of transfer 学分 which may 被接受.
  7. 其他院校的转校课程将不获接纳作转寄用途 a grade change or repeating a course previously taken 在PG电子官方免费下载.
  8. The transfer 信贷 evaluation is subject to audit and reevaluation.
  9. Transfer 信贷 should be received at least three weeks prior to registration.


  1. 转学衔接程序是大学授予课程学分的方式 College students have completed at other institutions. Proper transfer articulation 更少地依赖于一个决定将如何影响一个特定的学生,更多地依赖于一个决定是如何做出的 will affect all students and the integrity of a 雪的大学 education.
  2. 学生有责任从以前的成绩单中订购正式成绩单 并提供任何课程描述或“硕士课程内容大纲” with Outcomes" that might be required to process the transcript. 作为对 我们的学生,迁移发音专家将研究必要的信息 to complete evaluations and determine course equivalency. 然而,如果信息 is not easily located, the student will be asked to provide it.
  3. Transcripts are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. A transcript sent electronically is typically received within 2 to 3 business days. A transcript sent by mail can take up to 2 weeks depending on the mail service and w在这里 it originated. 大多数记录 是铰接式的,并在1至2个工作日内根据数量付款 and whether courses need to be evaluated by the department. 如果成绩单需要 要发送评估,发布信用的过程可能需要2周或更长时间. 学生可以查看他们的BadgerWeb帐户或DegreeWorks以了解他们的转学方式 已申请信贷.
  4. 当学生认为某门课程被转学时,可以提出转学分申请 from another institution should be articulated differently. 这项上诉要求 包括课程大纲和必须提交的转学衔接 专家. An appeal 必须 be made within the same semester that the course has first been articulated or the first semester that the student is registered. 上诉结束后 is submitted it will be processed by the transfer articulation 专家. 这可以 require an evaluation to be sent to the applicable department 进行评估. 一个学生 should allow 1-8 weeks for processing. 



官方成绩单是由雪学院发音办公室收到的成绩单 in one of the following ways:

  1. Paper transcripts can be mailed directly from the college or university to:
    以法莲,UT 84627
  2. 纸质成绩单也可以亲自交付给转学衔接专家 前提是 未开封 in the original envelope bearing an official seal. 课程 必须 appear on an official transcript from the sending institution. Transcripts issued to the student will not 被接受.
  3. 电子成绩单被认为是正式的,如果他们通过一个安全的成绩单发送 exchange 公司 (such as National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment) or to transcripts@ivantseng.com as a secured/certified official electronic transcript. (Not as a regular email attachment.)


成绩单通过传真、常规邮件或外封方式收到 信封将被视为非官方的,不被录取 或提交信用证.


Official transcripts received from institutions that are among the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) are more easily evaluated.  通识教育 (GE) degrees 在任何USHE学校获得的证书都被所有其他USHE学校认可.  此外,USHE学校授予的GE学分被所有其他USHE学校接受.


大多数州外成绩单将需要评估,因为课程可能不需要 in the 雪的大学 database.  雪的大学 does NOT automatically accept GE 信贷 由外州学校授予,因为通用电气的课程要求和预期的结果 各州不同.  学生 may be asked to provide a "Master 课程 Content Syllabus with Outcomes" for review by individual departments.


  • 国际成绩单必须通过批准的外国证书评估进行评估 公司. 雪的大学's preferred evaluation 公司 is SpanTran. 如果你已经看过了 请问你的国际成绩单已经由国外认证公司评估过了吗 contact the 注册商's Office at (435) 283-7230. Only courses that are equivalent 到PG电子官方免费下载的通识教育课程,并直接等同于学生的课程 specific program of choice will 被接受 toward a degree. 授予选修学分 may be handled on a case-by-case basis. Select SpanTran Credential Evaluation 开始你的评估.


雪的大学 provides opportunities for students to earn 信贷 for prior learning (CPL),以表彰他们通过工作、专业培训、 military training, and other learning domains. Credits are awarded through assessments that meet college level competencies. CPL may include departmental assessment, standardized tests, military 信贷, and technical education articulation agreements.

CPL是由每个部门在他们的任务、角色和学生的背景下决定的 需求和学术计划. The number of 学分 earned through prior learning awarded 可能是有限的. Limitations may be imposed by the student's degree plan.

先前学习学分通过转学学分和/或熟练程度学分授予 (training certifications, 3rd party evaluations, standardized 考试s, institutional 考试s, and individualized assessment/challenge 考试s.)


  1. 一个学生 必须 be currently enrolled 在PG电子官方免费下载.
  2. 学生已经尝试或完成的课程将不考虑CPL. (An Audit, Fail, Withdrawal, or Unofficial Withdrawal is considered an attempt as well as any course registered for 0 学分.)

Costs Incurred for Prior Learning Credit

学费 costs are not charged for awarded prior learning 信贷. 然而,也有 与评估学生的知识和经验相关的成本以及 processing fees for applying 信贷 to a student's official record and transcript.

  • All Standardized Tests will incur a non-refundable posting service fee of $10 per 信贷.
  • Departmental Assessments (Challenge Exam or Experiential Portfolio) will incur an assessment fee of $1每学分00美元. This fee is non-refundable despite the outcome of the departmental evaluation.
    • 报名参加GNST 1000 -先前学习评估预备课程的学生将不会产生 $1每学分00美元 charge for their first Prior Learning Assessment submission. 然而, additional submissions will incur the $1每学分00美元 fee.

Other Important Factors to Consider

  • Credit will not be awarded for a course th在PG电子官方免费下载 does not offer.
  • 如果它重复了以前尝试或完成的学分,将不会被授予学分.
  • CPL is recorded as Transfer Credit and will receive a TR grade. 这个等级没有 会影响学生的GPA.
  • Awarded CPL 信贷 will not meet graduation residency 信贷 requirements.
  • 联邦财政援助和员工学费报销可能不包括之前的学习 评估费用.

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit 

  • The College Board (an independent, not-for-profit organization) sends transcripts for students who have completed 考试s for AP 信贷.  学生 may order their results from the College Board website (collegeboard.org).
  • 根据州协议,如果学生通过AP考试并获得3分或更高的分数,他们就可以 will be awarded college 学分 for each 考试 passed.
  • 一个学生 必须 receive a score of 3 or higher to receive AP 信贷 on any accepted 考试. Credit is not accepted for AP Research nor AP Seminar.
  • 这些学分要么是不记分的选修学分,要么是不记分的通识教育学分 信贷.  Depending on the AP test score and on department agreements, the 学分 given may be divided in varying amounts among these types of 信贷. 问题 此学分应寄往转学衔接办公室,电话:(435)283-7146.
  • AP 信贷 is not considered resident 信贷.
  • The fee for AP 信贷 is $10.每学分00美元 and is 发布 to a student's financial account at the time the 信贷 is awarded.
  • To see how AP 信贷 may transfer, please reference the 犹他大学转学指南.
  • 注意:许多专业不接受专业必修课程的AP学分 准备. AP Credit guidelines are subject to change without notice. 请看图表 in the 学术政策 section (在这里).

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

成功完成大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试可能会产生 信贷 in general education or provide elective 学分. CLEP course work is ungraded and is not considered resident 信贷. 一个学生 may not receive 信贷 for both the 考试 and corresponding courses completed. Credit is not accepted for all CLEP Exams. To see how CLEP 信贷 may transfer, please reference the 犹他大学转学指南.

Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS) Transcripts

  • 雪的大学 grants language 信贷 to students who complete and pass BYU's FLATS 考试. 学生 are responsible for any and all actions required to register for the test and transfer 学分 back to 雪的大学. The transcript is sent to 雪的大学 by BYU's Humanities Technology and Research Support Center.
  • The scoring is either Pass (P) or Fail (F). The student receives 信贷 for the language in which they tested and passed. The language test covers 3 courses from 1st-Semester 谈话 & Grammar to Intermediate Grammar. Each course is 4 信贷 hours.
  • 雪的大学 grants up to 12 学分 for the FLATS 考试 and the cost is $10.00每 信贷. The student may not take fewer 学分 than were earned on the test.
  • To register for the 考试, go to http://flats.byu.edu or contact the testing center. 

International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam Credit

  • 学生 必须 be enrolled 在PG电子官方免费下载 in order to receive IB 信贷.
  • 学生 who earn scores of 4 or above on Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) 每门IB考试最多可获得12个学时的学分(视情况而定) 关于部门). 
  • 如果学生提交大学先修课程和国际学士学位学分,IB 信贷 will be awarded first. If AP 信贷 duplicates IB 信贷 already awarded, AP 信贷 will be reduced by the amount of 信贷 awarded in the specific area.
  • A posting fee will be assessed for each 信贷 hour awarded ($10.每学分00美元.)学分 will be 发布 as transfer 信贷 and are not graded.
  • To see how AP 信贷 may transfer, please reference the 犹他大学转学指南.


  • 雪的大学 accepts the recommendations of the American Council on Education for 在军队中完成的训练,如果有同等的课程 在PG电子官方免费下载.
  • 雪的大学 accepts a DD214 discharge document for PE elective 学分.
  • Military transcripts should be sent through the American Council on Education (ACE.) ACE对服役人员所接受的课程和培训进行评估 一门课程的描述,同等的推荐信,并确定每门课程多少学分 课程值得.
  • 军事成绩单由转学衔接专家和任何 question regarding what 信贷 may be granted is directed to the 注册商. 你可以 obtain a military transcript from one of the following sources:
    • http://jst.国防部.mil/ (Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy)
    • http://www.au.af.毫升/ au / ccaf /记录.高级助理(空军)
    • http://www.dliflc.edu/dlitranscripts.html (Defense Language Institute)
  • 一旦军事成绩单上的学分被评估,一封电子邮件被发送到 学生/服役人员告知他们如何转移他们的军事学分, advising them of the cost ($10.每学分00美元), and then receiving the student's approval 继续前进.
  • The student/service member 必须 meet with an advisor prior to any military 信贷 根据犹他州法典53B-16-107公布的军事服务和训练学分.
  • 学生不需要从服兵役中接受任何转学分. 一个学生 may also decide to accept only partial 信贷. 信用和费用将会 not be 发布 to a student's account until the student gives their approval.
  • 请注意: Transferring military 学分 can affect eligibility for veteran's benefits. 学生 必须 talk with an Academic Advisor or the Veterans office before the 信贷 can be 发布.

Police Office Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.)

  • 雪的大学 accepts the recommendation of the State of Utah Department of Public Safety Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T)培训完成.
  • 学生必须提交他/她的犹他州公共安全部的副本 Certificate of Completion which lists the training completed.
  • Certification of training completed 必须 be submitted to the 转移清晰度 雪学院办公室.
  • PG电子官方免费下载招收研究生.O.S.T. 信贷如下:
    • Five weeks of training (Phase I) are equal to 3 elective 学分 and 1 PE 信贷.
    • Ten weeks of training (Phase 2) are equal to 6 elective 学分 and 1 PE 信贷.
    • Fifteen weeks of training (Phases 1 & 2) are equal to 9 elective 学分 and 2 PE 学分.
  • The maximum number of 学分 awarded for P.O.S.T. 是11学分.
  • 有一张10美元的.00元/信用投寄费.
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