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Biological Sciences

Chair: Jed Rasmussen
Chair Phone: (435) 283-7527
Chair Email:


Biology is the study of life. It is a very broad discipline which includes key aspects of all the fields in the life sciences. Cell biology studies the function, ultrastructure and internal processes of cells of given organisms. Molecular biology examines these processes on the molecular level of proteins, DNA, RNA, etc. Animal biology or zoology includes more specialized fields of study. Some examples are anatomy (structures), morphology (how shape or form relate to function), physiology (internal processes and functions and their coordination), genetics (heritability of the information that ultimately directs all life functions and responses to the environment), systematics and taxonomy (ordering, classifying and naming of species), evolution (origin and development of species), and ecology (interrelationships of living organisms with each other and the environment). Human biology is an intensively studied area of animal biology. Plant biology or botany is likewise divided into the same specialized fields of study found in zoology. Microbiology includes the study of bacteria, viruses (virology), fungi (mycology) and protists, although many of the latter are studied in plant and animal biology. These component areas of microbiology may be further subdivided into the fields of study mentioned above

Students who intend to transfer to a four year institution and major in Veterinary Science should contact Kevin Sorensen at (435)283-7524 or

Students who complete recommended Life Sciences curricula at Snow College will be expected to demonstrate that they

  • know the essential qualities and key processes commonly found in life forms;
  • have begun to understand the diversity of living organisms and their myriad interrelationships in the biological world;
  • know how to apply systematic methods to understand complexities of an individual organism or to distinguished among divers species;
  • can use microscopes, computers, other commonly available lab equipment and supplies;
  • can read the literature of the life sciences flexibly, analytically and imaginatively;
  • appreciate that they have been exposed to an unfortunately small number of the myriad beau ties and marvels of the living world, extant or extinct;
  • have some understanding of the role that biology plays in modern life as well as past history. 
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