
活动中心 政策

回力球规则 & 政策


Conduct while using facilities:

所有使用雪学院宿舍内设施/活动区的个人 活动中心应遵守各项规章制度. 的 使用霍恩活动中心的各方的合作将有助于保持 整洁有序. Individuals misusing the facilities or not adhering to the rules 规章制度将立即从设施中移除,并享有其特权 revoked and forfeit all paid fees.

  • 根据犹他州清洁空气法,禁止吸烟和无烟烟草  建筑物内或周围.
  • 的 霍恩活动中心 is a pay to use facility. All patrons should check in at 并在前台购买通票或每日入场费或出示学生证办理现票 学期. 持通行证或支付入场费者将获发手环. 腕带可以让你使用中心,必须随时佩戴. 入学 是退还的.
  • 健身中心、蓝色健身房或主健身房、壁球、 泳池区,更衣室除外,有盖,防溅,非玻璃水 瓶.

另一个例外是体育赛事,当萨科出售特许权或 餐饮活动.

  • 禁止在雪上携带非法毒品、啤酒和酒精饮料 College property and includes 霍恩活动中心.
  • 与工作人员或其他顾客发生言语或肢体冲突,咒骂,咆哮, 大声喧哗、辱骂性语言和不当行为都是不可接受的,你可以 被要求离开.
  • 自行车、滑板、长板、旱冰鞋及宠物不得入内 活动中心. (Only guide/aid animals accompanying visually or hearing impaired individuals may enter the 活动中心.)
  • Valuables should not be brought into the 活动中心. 雪的大学/ Horne Activity Center is not responsible for personal property lost or stolen. 顾客们 responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, damaged..
  • 储物柜 are for day use only. Patrons are responsible for bringing their own lock.  储物柜可以按学期和年租金出租给那些想要离开那里的人 clothes in 活动中心. 那些 that choose not to rent a locker and leave there personal items here may have locker cleared out.  
  • 传染病患者禁止使用该设施. 所有打开的 伤口必须盖好.
  • All children under the age of ten (10) must be accompanied by an adult (18岁或以上) in all areas of  the facility at all times.
  • 顾客及访客须遵守霍恩活动中心的各项规则. 那些 被发现违反这些规则的人可能会被暂停活动中心的特权 或撤销.
  • 从发刊室借出器材的读者将被要求留下附带材料 项目.  (这也适用于雪学院学生的体育课.) 可提供驾照、学生证或其他带照片的身份证明. 任何人 16岁以下 能把鞋子、夹克或其他你知道他们会白白回来的东西留下 的值).



当您从问题室借出设备时,您将被要求留下抵押品 对于项目. (This also applies to Snow Students that are in PE classes). 抵押品 that is accepted Driver’s License or a Student ID card. 任何人 16岁以下 may leave other items for collateral such as a shoe, hat. (Keys, Wallets, Backpacks cannot be left for collateral.)



1. 所有使用健身房(主健身房或终身健身房)的顾客必须在 发稿室. 在使用设施的任何部分,包括健身房之前,每个人 must get a wristband and wear it at all times.

2. Hanging on basketball rims is prohibited.

3. Wear only shoes that do not mark the gym floor.

4. Only capped, spill-proof water 瓶 are allowed.

(除体育赛事外,禁止携带口香糖、食物或其他饮料 & 其他活动 in the AC when concession stand is open.)

5. 咒骂、攻击性语言或行为、打闹和打架是不允许的 被容忍.

6. No spitting on the floor or AC equipment; if you need to spit use a garbage can.

7. Basketballs may be checked out at 发稿室. Picture ID is required for checkout 成人/学生. Kids must leave something of value for collateral.

8. 被发现违反这些规定的人可能会被暂停他们的健身房特权 或撤销.

9. 顾客对遗失、被盗或损坏的个人物品负全部责任 while using AC facilities’s. 雪的大学 & 雪的大学 AC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.



1. 禁止在甲板上奔跑

2. No diving in the shallow end 

3. No gum ever in the pool

4. No flotation devices in the deep end (unless for a class)

5. No shoulders (chicken fights)

6. 除非由父母直接监督的婴儿使用,否则不得使用充气管 &

7. Everyone must have a wrist band (unless part of a class or team)

8. No flips from the side of the pool (diving board is okay)

9. No splashing the lifeguard on purpose (one warning only)

10. If you are too rough, you will be asked to stop

11. 你必须能够在没有帮助的情况下游过泳池的宽度,才能到达深水区

12. 不得在跳水板下游泳或妨碍使用跳水板的人

13. Lifejackets must be worn properly at all times

14. 没有学过如厕的孩子游泳时必须穿三层防护服

15. Instructions by the lifeguard must be obeyed at all times


1. No hanging on the Board

2. You must jump or step off

3. 不要倒立,侧手翻,坐着,也不要把屁股撞在跳板上

4. Only one person on the board at a time, including the ladder

5. You must jump straight off the end of the board, not off the sides

6. You must swim to the side closest to you after you jump off the board

7. You can not catch someone who is jumping off the board

8. Only one bounce is allowed on the diving board

9. You may not jump off the board with goggles or a mask

10. 你必须等那个人在你跳之前回到你的身边

11. No splashing the lifeguard on purpose (one warning only) 

Children not potty-trained

雪学院活动中心游泳池要求3层,供未如厕儿童使用. 为了尽量减少我们因接触粪便而不得不关闭游泳池的时间,它 要求给所有没有学过如厕的孩子穿三层 protection (swim diaper, swim diaper cover, swimsuit). State law requires these three layers for everyone’s safety. 的 reusable swim diapers cover may be purchased for $4.00, and Swim Diapers may be purchased for $1.在发证室. 谢谢你的 合作.



的 霍恩活动中心 houses 3 壁球球场. 的se courts may also be set 去打壁球吧. 球拍,壁球,护目镜以及壁球设备都是可用的 在问题室.

 • 任何人 under the age of 13 must have adult supervision.


为了在一个有趣,公平和安全的环境中进行操作,我们的壁球场地是开放的 预订基础. If a court is open upon arrival, simply reserve it with the staff 在发刊处. You can reserve a court at the top of the hour for one hour. 如果你的时间到了,你想再玩一会儿,出来看看有没有人 预订了吗?. If it isn’t reserved you can reserve it for another hour. 的最大 number of reservations in a row is two. Patrons may reserve a court up to twenty-four hours in advance by leaving a name and best contact number. 所有预订 be forfeited after ten minutes. 预订 are tracked by our staff on the board 在问题室.


眼镜我们强烈建议顾客在打壁球时戴上防护眼镜. 在发证室结帐时可以使用护眼设备,任何人都需要 who borrows a 霍恩活动中心 racquet. 抵押品 必须是左 for items checked 未发行房间.

球拍 -顾客可以从发刊室借出壁球球拍. 任何时候 items are checked out from issue room you must leave collateral. 

鞋子 -为保护场地,所有参加者均须穿无标志服装 运动鞋. Running shoes, athletic sandals, water footwear, hiking and cowboy 靴子,或任何其他不是为运动设计的鞋子,都不适合 壁球球场. 

 -为了您的安全和保护木材,禁止进入壁球场 地板.

 任何从霍恩活动中心借出的物品,请出具房间担保材料 必须是左. 抵押品 can be a driver’s license or student ID card. For children a hat or shoe is acceptable.


Fitness Center/Cardio Room 规则:  

1. 所有使用该设施的用户必须在发刊室登记,并佩戴 wrist band at all times. 

2. Patrons must be 16 years old or older to use the Fitness Center. 

3. Only capped, spill proof water 瓶 are allowed. (NO gum, food, or other drinks are permitted.) 

4. Slamming or dropping weight equipment is not tolerated. 

5. 攻击性或敌意的语言和/或咒骂是不允许在霍恩的任何地方 活动中心.

6. Do not remove the free weights or dumb bells from Fitness Center. 不要减肥.  

7. 请勿在设备上或周围随地吐痰,请使用垃圾桶. 

8. All equipment is first come first serve.

9.During peak times there is a 30-minute time limit on cardio equipment. 请 not do multiple sets on weight machines during busy times. 

10. 请 not block or rest on machines. 

11. 任何时候都必须穿运动服,包括运动鞋和衬衫. (No open toed shoes or sandals are allowed.) Jeans are allowed only during class times, all other times workout clothes must be worn. 

12.如果其中一台机器有问题,请通知问题室工作人员 知道. 



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