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休假 Leave


休假 leave is an opportunity offered to qualified faculty to engage in scholarly 和 creative activities that will enhance their capacity to contribute to the College. 休假 leave is not a faculty entitlement, but rather a program for professional development 和 creativity that benefits the entire educational enterprise 和 is granted by the College in consideration thereof.


雪的大学’s sabbatical program is available to 1) all tenured faculty members with current full-time appointments to 雪的大学 和 2) all professional track faculty members with current full-time appointments to 雪的大学. However, due to a possible perceived conflict of interest, current members of the 教师 Development Committee who apply for a sabbatical must recuse themselves 和 be replaced by another faculty member who will review sabbatical applications according to the criteria given in this document.

Application Procedure

After six years of satisfactory service, an eligible faculty member (as defined in 第三节.0 of Policy #406) may 发送一个 written application for a sabbatical leave to the chair of the 教学 & Learning Center Committee.

This application should include a detailed description of the proposed sabbatical activity, including:

  1. the time period when the sabbatical will take place;
  2. the manner in which the activity supports 雪的大学’s mission, vision, 和 goals;
  3. the manner in which the project will benefit the College, the faculty member’s academic department, other departments, 和 students;
  4. a plan to recount the sabbatical experience with faculty members, students, 和 the college community as appropriate;
  5. written acknowledgement by the c和idate’s department chair 和 division dean that they are aware of the sabbatical application.

Section headings in the document are strongly encouraged.

Applicants need to request that their department chairdivision dean 发送一个 to the 教师 Development Committee no later than one week after the application deadline discussing the benefits 和 challenges of the proposed sabbatical application.

The application may also include optional endorsement 信s from faculty colleagues 和 interested stakeholders as well as suggestions for logistically implementing the proposed sabbatical.

休假 request sent to: Fall Semester Spring Semester
教师 Development Committee 8月15日 1月5日
Chief Academic Officer 9月14日 2月4日
总统 10月5日 2月25日
进步 & Tenure Division Dean 和 Dept. 椅子 Within 1 month of approval Within 1 month of approval


The 教师 Development Committee shall consider the following criteria in reviewing sabbatical proposals:

  1. the overall quality 和 clarity of the proposal, including supporting documentation;
  2. the degree to which the proposed sabbatical supports the mission 和 values of Snow College; the degree to which the proposed sabbatical supports department goals, the individual’s goals, 和 professional development;
  3. the degree to which the proposed sabbatical promises to improve teaching 和 learning at the College;
  4. the prospect that the sabbatical will successfully achieve its goals;
  5. the potential effectiveness of the plan to share the sabbatical experience with faculty, colleagues, students, 和 the college community.

When reviewing applications, the CAO 和 总统 will consider the criteria listed in 9.3.1.  In addition, they will consider financial 和 instructional replacement aspects of the proposed sabbatical when making their recommendation or decision.