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October 2023

News @ Snow News @ Snow

Institutional Update

Office of the President

President McIff 

你们很多人都知道,我做了很长时间的商科学生和老师. 我发现我的商业背景为我现在的工作做了很好的准备. 回想起我在市场营销、会计、经济、管理、 和创业精神,但我意识到最有价值的是财富500强 companies identify as their most important resource – people. At Snow College, we are in the business of people.

感谢你们这些善良、能干的同事,你们一次又一次地表明我们 haven’t lost our human touch. This personalized care is one of our most distinguishing 特质,这对那些与我们互动的人会产生影响. As we approach our work, I hope we all remember that individuals matter most. Our students want and expect 在你的课堂上,在你的窗前,或者在你的办公室里有一个好的体验. Our colleagues want to feel respected, heard, understood, and appreciated.

欢迎来参加本周末举办的各种活动,并邀请您的朋友 friends and family to experience Snow College! Once people interact with our students 而员工们,他们会不由自主地意识到我们拥有的是独一无二的. A significant 让我们与众不同的部分原因是人们——学生、同事和社区 members – matter most!


Technical Education and Industry Connections

Technical Education and Industry Connections

随着学年的顺利进行,技术教育项目正在积极推广 向高中生推销他们的项目,建立行业联系. 工业技术学院取得了巨大的成功. 来自14所高中的163名被选中的学生在里奇菲尔德校区见面 与分布在我们社区的16个当地工业谈谈. Numerous 高中教师对本次活动的成功进行了评价. 一位教练说:“我想让你们知道,我真的很喜欢制作 day it was probably the best one I have been to. I really enjoyed talking with local 关于他们是如何与PG电子官方免费下载合作找工作的. I really wish more 学生们有机会这样做,并看到了可能性. There are a lot 不需要四年制学位的好工作,我认为这是可以的 really appeal to a lot of students. Thanks again for putting this together”. Other BTE课程也在为高中生规划类似的参与机会 throughout the school year.

Manufacturing Day Activities in Richfield
Manufacturing Day Activities in Richfield

Student Affairs

Mardee Allen

TRIO项目是一组联邦外展和学生服务项目 美国旨在支持和帮助来自弱势背景的个人 in their pursuit of higher education. The primary goal of TRIO programs is to increase 获得高等教育,帮助学生在学业上取得成功. Snow College runs 在迈克的指导下,在学生事务处开展了两个三重奏项目 Anderson. 这些项目包括向上发展和学生支持服务.

每年,区域性三重奏计划(包括六个州)都会扩展三重奏计划 新星奖颁发给在这些项目中表现出色的专业人士 他们支持学生的工作,并参与了TRIO编程 fewer than three years. Mardee Allen from the Snow College Student Support Services team received the Aspire Rising Star award on October 10, 2023.

我们祝贺Mardee对她所做的工作的卓越认可 to help students succeed. 她和她的同事们在帮助学生方面做得非常出色 build success at Snow. This is evident in the persistence, retention, and completion data of the students they serve.

Who's New?

We welcome the following individuals to the Snow College Team:

Ted Hinckley Adjunct - Music
Aubrey Warner Adjunct - Theatre
Shirlene Albee PT Admin. Assistant – Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Christy Sorensen PT Nursing Clinical Instructor - Richfield Campus
Kylie Burgess PT Instructor - Cosmetology Richfield Campus
Jennifer Hathaway Part-time Media Services/IVC Nursing Facilitator
Gina Ogden Assistant Registrar, Richfield Campus
Heather Waegner Part-Time Photo Studio and Equipment Manager
Selma Jorgensen Administrative Assistant in Residence Life, Ephraim Campus
Dusty Pulsipher Assistant Football Coach
Mia Fernandes 兼职学术顾问-早期运动干预专家,以法莲校区
Mark Christiansen Part-time Academic Advisor, Ephraim Campus
Audry Sanders Part-time Academic Advisor, Ephraim Campus

Staff Report

我们谨代表雪学院教职员协会,邀请所有教职员了解更多 在这个月的行政会议上,我们的GRIT中心和人力资源部门 council meeting.

GRIT中心将于10月16日星期一下午1点至2点主持会议. We 会有美味的食物和健康的选择为我们的会员,我们也报道 我们每月的协会活动和计划,比如每年的万圣节派对和服装 contest.

“新的公开会议形式使我们能够更方便地与其他成员和 展示我们的员工为PG电子官方免费下载所做的精彩工作,”丽莎·莱尔德说, Staff Association President. Nearly 30 people attended the September meeting with another 28 staff attending virtually through Microsoft Teams.

董事会还在为其赞助的六个委员会寻找志愿者 公共关系(通讯及PG电子官方免费下载通讯) and Constitution Update taskforce. We also need three staff members to represent our interests on President Stacee McIff’s College Council. Look out for the email to self-nominate yourself for these roles!

雪学院教职员协会代表全职及兼职教职员 提供职业发展,健康活动,社交活动,协调员工 benefits and extra perks, and more. Information at

Faculty Report

热烈欢迎全体教员的回归,特别是新教员 joined us this year. This is a great place to work with other capable, motivated, service and team-minded colleagues. We invite you all to add to the Spirit of Snow.

今年,雪学院的教职员工被邀请穿着雪学院的服装 on every Friday. 穿上橙色和蓝色的獾装,展示你的雪的精神 on Fridays all year long. Go Badgers!

鼓励教师积极参与他们所在的委员会. 我们很幸运能在学校的管理中扮演这样的角色. Do your part in a positive manner to guide the direction of Snow. Way to go Faculty!


  • 里奇菲尔德的日环食事件:科学部正在举办活动 etc. 与10月14日星期六里奇菲尔德的日食事件一起. The eclipse 是在清晨这么早进来欣赏天象的表演和活动吗.
  • 每周四下午4:30在GRSC 154举行科学部研讨会. Division members 和其他科学家提供令人兴奋和翔实的信息,所有的学生 and other faculty can incorporate into their lifelong learning. Treats are included.

信息邀请:教师,请发送任何有关活动,奖项, exciting occasions and the like, to or for inclusion in the Newsletter. We want to share all the wonderful things you do with the entire Snow community. Thank you!